What I'm Looking For

One of the good things about changing jobs or careers is that it presents the opportunity to stop and get one's bearings, and to ask the question "Is this what I want to be doing with my life?"

Without pigeonholing myself into a single career option, I can answer that question with an emphatic YES!

I've had the rare luxury of working in jobs that I loved, doing things that I believed - and still believe - matter.  Common themes from my past jobs:

  1. I've been able to help people in a real, concrete, direct manner.  I've relied heavily on my education as a rehabilitation counselor to do that.
  2. I've been able to present useful material to large and small audiences in person and online through public speaking and my blog.  This is where I feel I have genuine talent.
  3. I've been able to train, coach and mentor people.  I believe that I have a passion for this, and that my passion serves to inspire many people.
  4. I've been able to find novel ways to use technology to help people do things better than they could before.  My skill in this area is entirely experience-based; I'm mostly self-taught, but effectively so.  

That's all fun, but maybe a bit esoteric.  In simple terms: I'm looking for a job where I can directly help people, preferably one where I can leverage my skill as a presenter, my passion as a trainer, and my experience as a champion of new technology.  I think that I could be happy and effective in a job that matches only one facet of my experience, training, talent and passion, but that I could be truly remarkable in an occupation that lets me leverage all four of them.

  • I'd love to continue working with persons with barriers to employment, but could be happy assisting almost any population.
  • I'd love to continue to work on issues related to employment, but could be happy with any work that helps other people with achieving maximal independence and quality of life.